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Superior Demographics

Integrity Marketing, Inc. is the ONLY Company in its industry that goes the extra mile by Brokering consumer lists, combining data from four major compilers, for the most accurate list possible.

Every area is unique... That is why unlke most competitors, we plot your restaurants and then review your zip counts and consider all possible negative and positive factors to help you determine the best criteria to use when marketing to each area.

We track each zip ever mailed as well as the design mailed so that we can make recommendations along the way and keep the agent at consistant peak response rate. We also can manage Zip code rotation, if the agent wishes.


We know Marketing can be stressful, Let us handle the stress - you handle the filled Prospect seats!

Ask us how "Exact Age" can save you over 10% of your entire mailer cost!

Don't Waste any more time or money! Let us put you in front of your target audience using:

Confirmed Homeowner

Minimum Home Value

Income Producing Assets

Estimated Wealth

Minimum Income

Summarized Credit Score

Ethinic Selects


Our Demographic team is made up of a select group of geniuses who literally have a map in their head and a special touch when it comes to all things demographic!

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